1996 marks the year that our group began operations in the city of Monterrey, in a small restaurant with 12 employees, the menu consisted of salads and juices. Due to the great success, one year later we opened our second Super Salads .
With the demand from investors interested in our unique concept and success, we decided to continue our expansion under a franchise system, starting in 2003 with our first franchised restaurants in Guadalajara and Torreon.
Capitalizing on the experience of our staff, franchisees, presence in multiple cities and our own distribution center, we launched Cabo Grill in 2007 as a casual seafood restaurant in the town of San Pedro with a unique and distinctive menu of tacos, tostadas, and a large menu of alcoholic beverages.
During 2012, our interest to accelerate the growth of our business and to share best practices, led us to invest in a franchised concept in the U.S. The process was not easy without operational experience in the U.S. However; Corner Bakery accept us to develop a small market in South Texas. After 12 months of opening our first cafe, CB Corporation offered us to expand our presence to the Houston market and recognized our operations with the Best Franchise Group award in 2015. Today, we continue opening more restaurants and negotiating new markets.
With 20 years of industry experience and backed by the Super Salads® brands and Cabo Grill ®, during the month of September of 2014 we opened our third concept in Mexico: Don Mestizo.
The backbone of our operation is our Supply Chain solution named Proveo. Our logistics and distribution center is responsible not only for warehousing and delivering products to all of the Super Salads, Cabo Grill, and Don Mestizo nationwide; but also, to provide us with fast response to creative and trending worldwide ingredients and products.
During 2012 we also opened our own bakery, Tutto Pane. Tutto Pane exists to guarantee quality in our breads, tortillas, croutons, tostadas, and to be a source of culinary innovation within our Group. In order to achieve synergies, Tutto Pane is located in the same facility as Proveo.
In order to focus and maintain our competitive advantage, Proveo and Tutto Pane only give service to our own and franchised restaurants.
We closed the year 2015 with 95 branches and more than a dozen projects to open during 2016, with approximately 1,500 team members working in our own restaurants in Monterrey, and over 3,000 team members in our franchised restaurants nationwide.